Contoh Pidato Bahasa inggris tentang pendidikan English Speech Education.
Example speech about education English language English Speech Education. Speech or speech is one very important part in the process of teaching the English language and very benefits for students to apply in everyday life:
(Artinya Pidato atau speech:" merupakan salah satu bagian yang sangat penting dalam proses pengajaran bahasa inggris dan sangat bermafaat bagi siswa untuk di aplikasikan dama kehidupan sehari-hari" : )
At this point I will give examples of English Speech on Education We listened to both good
( Artinya "Saat ini saya akan memberikan contoh Pidato bahasa inggris tentang Pendidikan Mohon disimak baik baik")
assalamualaikum wr.wb
Praise be to Allah the Lord of universal, Because we have been given the health, well-being and the opportunity to attend today's speech On manners education for young children.
Ladies and gentlemen I respect
Have you ever seen your Children sitting on top of your head? or give anything with the left hand? Or a child to say no politely? Or a child who does not speak words ought to be delivered?
Don't forget T=Read :example of present perfect tense
I know and I think you probably never seen anything like this, If you are see this situation means that the Son is less in education to teach manners, so that a child could someday be the proud
Ladies and gentlemen I respect
If too much incident, as this overwrites Indonesian children what will happen next? can you imagine this nation might be destroyed because Morale Those people who have been destroyed since childhood, so you have to teach manners from childhood that would become achievers.
Let your brother from now on we have to teach manners to teach our children as if giving something to the parents got to give with the right hand, to teach our children the polite words and good, we do not teach the child to sit on the head of the person who Older examples of a mother and her child sit on the floor to sit on a chair that is irreverent in the eastern culture
Don't forget read : TO BE AM IS ARE
For how to learning you can be adjusted to the circumstances and your ability as a person ta each, I suggest that you teach also teach in a way good way and do not use force.
Ladies and gentlemen I respect
A few of my speech today I say thank you for your attention asalamualaikum wr.wb
( Artinya : assalamualaikum wr.wb
"Puji syukur kepada Allah Tuhan semesta alam, Karena kita telah di berikan kesehatan , kesejahteraan dan kesempatan untuk menghadiri acara pidato hari ini Tentang pendidikan sopan santun bagi anak usia dini.
Tuan dan nyonya yang saya hormati
Pernakah anda melihat Anak anda duduk di atas kepala anda ? atau memberikan sesuatu dengan tangan kiri ? Atau seorang anak berkata tidak sopan ? Atau seorang anak berbicara kata kata yang tidak patut untuk disampaikan ?
Saya Tahu dan saya rasa mungkin anda pernah melihat kejadian seperti ini, Jika anda perna melihat situasi seperti ini berarti Anak tersebut kurang di ajarkan pendidikan sopan santun, sehingga seorang anak kelak bisa menjadi orang yang kurang ajar
Tuan dan nyonya yang saya hormati
Jika terlalu banyak kejadi seperti ini menimpa anak-anak indonesia apa yang akan terjadi kedepan ? bisa anda bayangkan mungkin Bangsa ini akan hancur karena Moral Orang orang yang sudah hancur sejak kecil, Jadi anda harus mengajarkan sopan santun sejak kecil agar kelak menjadi anak yang berprestasi.
Marilah saudara saudara mulai sekarang kita harus mengajarkan sopan santun pada anak anak kita seperti mengajarkan kalau memberi sesuatu kepada orang tua harus memberikanya dengan tangan kanan, Mengajarkan anak anak kita dengan kata kata yang sopan dan baik, mengajarkan agar anak kita jangan duduk diatas kepala orang yang lebih tua contoh seorang ibu duduk di lantai lalu anaknya duduk diatas kursi hal itu merupakan hal yang kurang sopan di dalam budaya timur
Untuk cara pembelajaranya bisa di sesuaikan dengan keadaan dan kemampuan anda sebagi orang ta masing masing, saya sarankan agar dalam mengajarkannya anda juga mengajarkan dengan cara cara yang baik dan jangan menggunakan kekerasan.
Tuan dan nyonya yang saya hormati
Sekian pidato dari saya hari ini saya ucapkan terimakasih atas perhatiannya asalamualaikum wr.wb )
Thank you So much from me about the example of the English Language Speech Speech Education English education may be useful and can make your learning references.
(artinya : " terimakasih Sekian dari saya tentang Contoh Pidato Bahasa inggris tentang pendidikan English Speech Education semoga bermanfaat dan bisa menjadikan referensi belajar anda".)
Minggu, 22 Juni 2014
Kamis, 05 Juni 2014
30 Contoh Present perfect tense positive formula
30 Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect tense in positive forula. Okay after i discuss and explain about What Is present perfect tense , now i want to give you about 30 Example of Present perfect tense positive formula in positive sentence : Just Like That ;
Following Positive formula ; subject + Have / Has + verb 3 or past past participle example : GO = went
Following Positive formula ; subject + Have / Has + verb 3 or past past participle example : GO = went
Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect tense Positive formula lengkap sentence :
- I Have Wrote Letter
- I Have Ate meatball
- I have saw Bird
- I Have Played Football
- You Have slept at Luxury Hotel
- You Have walked On the beach
- You Have Swam on the Poll
- You Have Read a Snow white books
- They Have Learned Japanese
- They Have Visited Korea
- They Have Bought New motor cycle
- They Have dig grave
- They Have Found Treasure
- She Has Lived In the jungle
- She Has Started New Games
- She Has Finish In the Olympics
- She Has sat in the chair
- She Has sung Japanese song
- He Has Taught Russian culture
- The sun Has Risen in the east
- He has sent the important email
- He has Spoken Korean
- He has Taken new agenda
- He Has paid the debt
- We Have met new manager
- They Have said important agenda
- We have lost the map
- We have laid to teacher
- We Have known about the accident
- WE Have forgotten who is you
I say thanks for reading my article about 30 Contoh Present perfect tense positive Formula and i say thanks for visit my site. See you next time student ^_^
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