Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Contoh Explanation Text Bahasa inggris Text Explanation in English

Contoh Explanation Text Bahasa inggris Text Explanation. After we discuss about What is Explanation text? Now i want to show us a example of explanation text , Like This :

1. How does oxygen get into the human body

General statement

Oxygen is an important component of the indispensable man in this life. People need oxygen to breathe on this planet, earth When there is no oxygen in the whole man and animals will die.

Sequence Of Explanation

Oxygen is a substance that can not be seen but can be felt, This can be proved when you are walking trails in the mountains and the air you breathe is definitely nose, lungs, and your body will feel cool and fresh. Oxygen enters the body through the air we breathe through a breathing apparatus called the human nose, then go through the pipe leading to the lungs, after the air we breathe enter the lungs then it will pass the screening process in the bronchi, Oxygen will The suction by bronchial and circulated throughout the network of blood flow through the human body. And the air is not needed will be posted under the nose back out the so-called carbon dioxide

System of entry and exit of air or oxygen into the body is called the respiratory system or the respiratory cycle

2. How a mini sauna Works

General statement

Currently a mini sauna tool, being popular in Indonesia. a lot of advertisements on television ads that aired on tools mini sauna. Then how this mini sauna kit actually work?

Sequence Of Explanation

Sauna Tool is a tool for relaxation of the body. Mini sauna tool consists of two main parts, the mini space to enter your body, and water heaters produce water vapor which will enter into a mini sauna room. First connect the steam conduit connected to mini steam room, after the water input into the Boiled tool enough water, then the water heater plugs into the wall socket. After a Nebulizer air started to go into a mini sauna room means that the tool has worked. Each mini sauna use these tools will continue to work to produce water vapor and will make a mini sauna room work maximally


Water heater will make the water boil water and produce steam, and water vapor are plugged into a mini sauna room sauna time will cause you more comfortable and relaxed without going to a public sauna places quite at home alone

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