What is the simple past? Simple past is a sentence that states the events of past events and disclosed at this time.
Artinya : Apa itu simple past? Simple past merupakan sebuah kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian - kejadian kejadian di masa lampau dan di ungkapkan pada saat ini.The Formula of simple pastense which consist of three ( Artinya Simple past terdiri dari 3 bagian yaitu ) :
Table brief formula simple past tense, but for descriptions and explanations are as table below
Table brief formula simple past tense, but for descriptions and explanations are as table below
Simple Past | |||
Positive | subject | Verb 1 | |
Negative | Subject | Did Not | verb 1 |
Interrogative | Did | Subject | verb 1 |
1. simple past In positive Formula: Subject + Verb 2 or ( past form example Verb 1 go = Verb 2 went )
1. simple past In positive Formula: Subject + Verb 2 or ( past form example Verb 1 go = Verb 2 went )
example : I went to bali in last year ( saya pergi ke bali tahun lalu )
Explanation : in the example " I " is subjec and " went " is Verb 2 or past form and " last year " is time channel
2. Simple past In negative Formula : Subject + Did not + Verb 1
example : i Did Not go to bali in last year ( saya tidak pergi kebali tahun lalu )
explanation : in example of negative simple past " did not " and " Go to" is characteristic feature of simple past in negative formula
3. Simple past in Interrogative Formula : Did + Subject + Verb 1
example : Did you go to bali in last year? ( apa kamu pergi ke bali tahun lalu ? )
explanation : In the example of introgative of simple past " did " in the first of sentence is characteristic of simple past in introgative formula
Tips : If you're going to make the sentence simple past, I suggest that seeing first dictionary, the verb associated with changes in V1 into V2, is useful so that you make a sentence does not violate the rules that apply.
Artinya : Jika kamu mau membuat kalimat simple past, saya sarankan untuk melihat kamus terlebih dahulu karena ini terkait tentang pergantian antara kata kerja bentuk pertama V1 Menjadi Kata kerja bentuk Ke 2 V2, Ini berguna agar anda tidak melanggar aturan yang telah d tetapkan atau salah dalam membuat kalimat
so many of my discussion about the simple past sentence may be useful and thanks for reading.
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