Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Contoh Report text Example Of Report text

Contoh Report text Example Of Report text. After You understand about report text, Now You must Know about Report text examples like this :

The penguin in arctic and Antarctic

General Classification

Penguin is a bird that lives only in cold climates since thousands of years ago


Penguins managed to live and not be extinct until recently because they are able to live in an area of ice that is not suitable for human life. Birds penguins so freely in search of food and breeding in the Antarctic and Arctic regions. Most birds only rival penguins seals, elephant seals and the polar bears and the threat is polar wolves.

birds penguins have thick fur that covered part of his body warmers That serves as a good body in the water while fishing, or while being on the ice or land. Birds penguin also has a very aerodynamic body part so as to enable them to swim quickly and swiftly under water. Penguin beaks are also very flexible which allows it to catch fish quickly. Sat is the threat of extinction of birds penguin only the causes of global warming on the polar ice shelf north-and south poles melt. Hopefully people realize and can reduce global warming that threatens the lives of penguins at the poles of the earth

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